Push Stars Interview
This is the whole 36 minute interview conducted with The Push Stars on 10/19/2001
at the WVBR-FM Ithaca studios (complete with in-studio performances).
It is encoded in Windows Media Format to be streamable
with 56k modems (the mp3 would be on the order of 36 Mb!). You can listen, but you can't
copy, distribute, or rebroadcast this interview without the explicit written permission
of all parties involved.
WVBR Leprechaun 2003 Promo
I voiced and produced this promo for the WVBR Leprechaun promotion in March 2003.
Counting Crows Promo
I voiced and produced this promo for Janeen and our Promotions department. It details how
lucky listeners can win tickets to the sold out Fall 2002 Counting Crows concert at Cornell.
New Rock Release Promo
I made this promo to hype up the New Rock Release. The release is a
weekly segment on WVBR that we just started that spotlights new rock that
we're thinking of adding on the station. We solicit listener feedback
and make decisions on whether the song is added based on that. I also
have the bed that I use under my talk breaks during the release here.
Push Stars Promo
This is the first promo that I both voiced and produced by myself
(in the past I usually just stuck to the voicing). It promotes the
in studio appearance of the Push Stars on 10/19/2001 where I'm scheduled to
interview them for the station.
Special thanks go to Ed Kuhnel of the Creative Services department
who gave me a few invaluable pointers.
Artist of the Day Promotion
I voiced this one for WVBR's Artist of the Day promotion which ran through
April 2001. The production work was done by Brian Mack and Pauline of WVBR's
Creative Services Department.
Ed Cabic "Introduce Myself" Kick
This was the first of the new kicks made for me by Brian Mack of the
Creative Serviced department. It uses an Austin Powers quote and a
fast beat as a wet sweep for between songs.
Ed Cabic Generic Kick
This was the second of the kicks made by the Creative Services
Department. It can be used a bit more widely than the "Introduce
Myself" kick, but is substantially shorter. It is also a wet
sweep for between songs.
Ed Cabic Reentry Kick
This kick was designed to be used out of a commercial break to return to
music, it was also created by our Creative Services department.
Kenli Mattus Ed Cabic Kick Kenli Mattus, a VBR artist, and a
hell of a cool guy stopped by the studios and recorded a kick for me.
I use it when I have a Kenli song, and play it right before it airs.
Please note: These clips may not be rebroadcast
without the written consent of Ed Cabic and WVBR-FM, Ithaca.